It’s time for me to be brave and take that first step. It’s time to step out into the spotlight and show myself. So here I am and here is my first blog post for my website; Cynthia Moore Coaching.
Launching this publicly has been a long time coming. Years in fact. Why has it taken so long, you ask? Well, striking out on your own can be daunting. Putting yourself out there for the world to see, and for the world to judge can be off-putting. I’m only human; those things scare me as much as they do most people. Throw in a healthy dose of procrastination and you’re getting close to a good answer to that question… As I said, I’m only human.
That’s why it’s time to be brave and take that first step and start my journey properly. I’ve started before, behind the scenes, working with people but not really putting myself out there. I even had a mentee comment to me once, several years ago, that she had hoped to hear more about me personally but that we never quite seemed to get there… That comment gave me cause to reflect.
I needed to work out how I can be true to myself, be authentic as a coach or mentor and also be brave and show myself properly to the people I work with. This is as important to me as it is to the people I work with. It means being vulnerable and therefore it also means being brave.
What has changed now? Why take that first step now? Well, I’ve had some time, time away from the normal every day pressures that may feed our anxieties, time to think, time to let things sink in, and to recognise my own fears, time, even, to consider other options of things to do. Yet after all that time, the main idea was still there: carry on with coaching and helping others achieve transformation, development and reach their goals like I have in my life. To me that was confirmation that it was time to be brave and take that first step.
Would you like to know more about how to get ready to take that first step yourself? Get in touch, I would love to hear from you! Why not join me on social media? Find my links at the top and the bottom of the page.